• Movies

    The Zookeepers Wife (2017)

    It has been a while since I saw this film but I wanted to sit down and make this post because that is what this film deserves. So here it finally is, the zookeeper’s wife. What is this film about?…

  • Movies

    Thirteen Reasons Why Season 1 (2017)

    I have been binge-watching this series for two days straight. It was a rollercoaster. I am so excited to tell you what I thought because this series has become viral. Now it isn’t a happy series at all, but it’s…

  • Movies

    Beauty and the Beast (2017)

    Beauty and the Beast was one of my favourite movies growing up. I have enjoyed seeing Emma Watson in other films she performed in. Therefore, my hopes for this movie were so big… The question remains did this movie live…

  • Movies

    Fifty Shades Darker (2017)

    Today I want to tell you all about fifty shades darker. I am not going to do it like I normally do it. I am going to give spoilers in this one because I need to explain myself. But the…