Beyond the wand : The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard – Tom Felton
Generally, I do not like autobiographical stories, and that mainly has to do with the fact that I am not a fan of people. I can enjoy someone’s art, their music, the way they act in a movie or a…
Wonka (2023)
I always thought that everyone read Roald Dahl growing up but I am thinking now that might not have been the case. The reason I thought this is of course because the covers of Roald Dahl’s books were always the…
Media Directory
In this directory, you can find all my book reviews, sorted alphabetically by the author’s last name. In addition, you can find all movie reviews sorted by year of publishing and a full list of all Christmas film reviews. Books…
All was not well, a conclusion
In the words of the fifth Harry Potter movie:” Dumbledore is he daft or is he dangerous?” This is a question I do not have the answer to. Did Dumbledore make a lot of mistakes? Yes definitely. Is he the…
Potter, Riddle and somehow Dumbledore
The end of the story is very near, this is the last leg of the tour as one would say. Let’s get into it. Our story luckily starts with Harry on the eve of leaving the abusive household that he…
Having Children Fight Your War Act 2
The feelings of reading the books change between the first three books and the last four. Not to mention that the children in the book are coming into their own more. While they are still very young. I mean Harry…