
  • Movies

    Downton Abbey Season 1-6 (2010-2015)

    When the Downtown Abbey film came out I went to see it and talked to you about it. The thing is I never saw the series. So a while ago it found its way onto Netflix, and I finally finished…

  • Movies

    How to be single (2016)

    In the past, I talked about how I never like to watch trailers very much as I feel that they give so much of the story away. Watching bits of a film online though… I must admit, I wasn’t sure…

  • Movies

    Manifest Season 1 (2018) and Season 2 (2020)

    When this series first came out, I watched it. We then started season two but due to circumstances I never finished the season and never watched it again. So, when Manifest was put on Netflix, I decided to watch it…

  • Movies

    My best friend Anne Frank (2021)

    This film is one I have watched many moons ago. Usually, I rewatch a film right before I write about it. Just to be sure of all the details. With this one though, I have not. Because I simply cannot…

  • Movies

    Jack Reacher: Never go back (2016)

    When I first started reading or rather listening to the Jack Reacher book series. I started somewhere in the middle. This taught me that it’s a good thing when books somewhat repeat themselves to be a stand-alone. Having said that…