
  • Movies

    Chesapeake Shores Season 1-5 (2016-2022)

    When Netflix recommends trailers I never watch them because I do not like trailers all that much. This one though I had to see, and then the first episode, and then the last of the fifth season.  The hallmark channel…

  • Movies

    Bridgerton Season 2 (2022)

    Here is the thing, I was I must admit apprehensive when I started this season. I wanted to watch it very much yet still I didn’t want to be disappointed.  Now, this season had to be changed from the book…

  • Movies

    The Batman (2022)

    Honestly, I was so excited when I found out Robbert Pattinson was going to be the new Batman, I think he is a great actor and I enjoy most things he has been in. Most of his projects don’t make…

  • Movies

    A boy called Christmas (2021)

    Most of the time when you watch a film after reading a book you feel in a way that it is not as good. That does not come across in the right way. That it feels a bit… well, wrong.…

  • Movies

    Last letter from your lover (2021)

    Sometimes you want to watch a movie so bad because you heard all the good stories. You read some exciting things.. and then it is not what you expected. This can be positive or negative. In this case.. you have…