
  • Movies

    Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)

    So two days before Valentine’s Day, I went to see this movie. and it was something…. I read the books a while back and I kind of wanted to see the movie. I went with a group of colleagues which…

  • Movies

    Gossip Girl (2007-2012)

    A series isn’t a movie although I like to think it is. A long movie with seasons as sequels. Anyway, I decided to put series under ‘Movie Madness’ because I didn’t know another name and to be honest I don’t…

  • Movies

    The Fault in Our Stars (2014)

    Last summer this movie came out and I was very excited. I saw it in the cinema and it made me cry. Let’s talk about it. What is the story about? Two teens, who both have different cancer conditions, fall…

  • Movies

    The Hunger Games Mockingjay part 1

    Let me start by saying that I love The Hunger Games series. I think it’s one of the best series out here for young adults (and older people my mum is even a fan). I went to the midnight premiere…

  • Movies

    The Maze Runner (2014)

    This is a new category on my blog where I will write about films I have seen and enjoyed. You can search for ‘movie madness’ or ‘films’ and find all my film reviews that way. Today we are talking about…