
  • Movies

    Beauty and the Beast (2017)

    Beauty and the Beast was one of my favourite movies growing up. I have enjoyed seeing Emma Watson in other films she performed in. Therefore, my hopes for this movie were so big… The question remains did this movie live…

  • Movies

    Fifty Shades Darker (2017)

    Today I want to tell you all about fifty shades darker. I am not going to do it like I normally do it. I am going to give spoilers in this one because I need to explain myself. But the…

  • Movies

    Charlie st cloud (2010)

    A new movie madness because why not? What is the film about?  Charlie’s brother, Sam, dies in a car crash but Charlie survives. Charlie is given the gift of seeing his dead brother, but when the girl he falls in…

  • Movies

    The Shallows (2016)

    In between my studying for school, I finally found the time to watch this movie. It was a long awaited so when the shallows came out I needed to see it but I didn’t have time until now…. What is…

  • Movies

    Bridget Jones’ Baby (2016)

    Bridget Jones is back and it’s better and lovelier than ever before. I was fortunate enough to see the movie right when it came out for a ladies’ night and today I am going to tell you what I think.…