
  • Movies

    Tenet (2020)

    A while ago now, I have watched Tenet in the cinema. I wanted to see it ever since I saw the trailer. I wanted to go with my dad, as we have a similar taste in films and I see…

  • Movies

    Relic (2020)

    If you loved this film or are very excited to watch it, you might want to skip this review as this film was so far from being my favourite. The film in short A daughter, mother, and grandmother are haunted…

  • Movies

    Tell me who I am (2019)

    This documentary was on my Netflix list for a while. I downloaded it when I took a trip with my parents and I watched it in the car. This was an interesting documentary. The people in this documentary are so…

  • Movies

    Unhinged (2020)

    Finally, I visited the movie theatre again. I for one love going to the movies. It’s so different from watching a film at home which I also like but I have been having a horrible time concentrating on films and…

  • Movies

    Seven things we can learn from Elle Woods

    There are so many things that you learn from movies. I recently watched one of my favourites again. Legally blonde and as Elle goes through the world with pink sentence paper and a Harvard law degree I knew from the…

  • Movies

    My thought on I am a killer

    Season two of I Am a killer is out, this show is the only one I can truly binge-watch. I am not sure if I touched on this before. But I truly don’t like watching TV. When I do it’s…