
  • Movies

    The haunting of Bly Manor (2020)

    When the Haunting of Hill House was popular I must say I wasn’t interested and I still haven’t seen it to this day. I started the first few minutes and couldn’t get into it. When the haunting of Bly Manor…

  • Movies

    Holidate (2020)

    Alrighty, we are back and once again isn’t it almost Christmas? Times fly by when you are having fun, we are not yet ready to count the days… But here we are again with a Christmas film review. The thing…

  • Movies

    Bridgerton Season 1 (2020)

    For me, it might be a hard thing to admit that I did not want this series because everyone was watching it and because Netflix kept recommending it to me. I eventually started the series anyway and here we are.…

  • Movies

    Happiest season (2020)

    Today is the last day of January, which means it is practically almost Christmas. 11 more months to go, so it is time for a Christmas film review. I know that some of us just said goodbye to our Christmas…

  • Movies

    After we collided (2020)

    This film has been named one of the worst movies on IMBD last year. Looking at it when I am writing right now. It shot up a lot and it is no longer the number one. I think that people…

  • Movies

    Charlie’s Angels (2019)

    When this film came out, I wasn’t interested to see it. I am not sure why I wasn’t in the mood for it at all. I am not sure why but I simply didn’t think about this film until I…