
  • Personal

    Happy New Year

    The year has once again flown by. My year started amazing last year. Today I am studying math part-time and I’m getting ready to get into uni. I have goals, plans, and all these things I want to accomplish in…

  • Personal

    A little love for December

    I love December, it’s the time of the year when you can burn scented candles with names like ‘Christmas cookie’. Which I already do since September but that’s beside the point. So why exactly is December the best? In this…

  • Personal

    Making a better first impression

    My life story is people telling me that they didn’t like me when we first met. All my girlfriends ‘hated’ me to no end when we met in a way that makes me kind of sad. Maybe it is because…

  • Personal

    Childhood songs

    I am a 90’s baby, being born in ’97 in the late ‘90 however my parents (especially my dad) have a big love for songs from the ’80s. When we went we used to go on holiday my dad would…

  • Personal

    Blogger, Blogging, Blog

    My blog was born on September 20, 2014, and reborn 3 years on a different platform. It wanted to have more creative freedom. When I was growing up I didn’t have friends who loved the same things as I did.…

  • Personal

    To start a new

    In 2014 when I had just had a boring weekend. I decided to do what I had wanted to do for a very long time, I started a blog. Ever since 2009, I wanted to start a blog but I…