
  • Personal

    Happy New Year

    The year of new beginnings, of terrible endings. Incredible heartbreak and an immense amount of love. 2018 was the year I came into my own again. Where I learned to enjoy life again. To take a change. I remember what…

  • Personal

    Finish the year great

    Step 1: read this blog post Which is the best way to start Step 2: Blast your favourite Christmas playlist. Or watch your favourite Christmas film. Blasting all I want for Christmas is you in my room singing alone pretending…

  • Personal


    There are multiple ways to lose someone. In a lot of ways, you can feel like you lost someone. Without them really going anywhere. A person who used to be your best friend is a simple stranger now. Someone that…

  • Personal

    Saying goodbye to a friend

    Friendship is important we all know this. Life would be really lonely without friends. However, if someone doesn’t make you happy as a friend you are allowed to let that friendship go. It is one of those things where people…

  • Personal

    Sharing Videos

    People are different and ever-changing. You will never find two people the same, however, there are attributes quite a few people have. For example, I am a perfectionist, I also worry a lot. A goal of mine has been to…

  • Personal


    I always have a hard time to relax. The thing is I need to relax to get more energy but I had to figure out what exactly gave me energy and what didn’t. Here are some tips to get right…