
  • Personal

    How about this?

    In my New Years post I told you about scaling back the amount I was posting I said: “Having decided this I will also go back to posting once a week instead of twice as that still makes it fun…

  • Personal

    Healthy habits & goals

    Let me start off by saying that I have gone back and forth with myself if I wanted to share any of these things. I have found that deleting a lot of personal posts has given me a lot of…

  • Personal

    Happy New Year

    Goodness, what a year it has been. Truthfully I felt I was doing great personally as well as on the blog. Until May I was posting regularly and telling you all about all my favourite things. Then I went MIA…

  • Beauty,  Personal

    Favourites and Happy new year

    Dear all, A new year is upon us and as many of you know I hardly ever assign favourites or a ranking to the things I have talked about. But I found it time to share some more of my…

  • Books,  Personal

    Books on the shelf

    Ever since I was a little girl I have been quite stubborn, I think and think and then I decide. When I have decided I never change, I never waver. But over the years I have learned that some things…