
  • Baking/Cooking

    Broccoli and Salmon Quice

    This year I am going at it with recipes. I love sharing some of my favourites and found it time to do so in 2021. Honestly, I couldn’t be happier to share this one with you today. This again, is…

  • Baking/Cooking

    Airfryer Greek Chicken

    Here we are again, back with a recipe. How exciting. I must admit I am not the maker of this recipe. However, the original and mine are a bit different and mine is in English. You can find the original…

  • Baking/Cooking

    My go-to cookie recipe

    Everyone has been there before, it’s late and all dark out, and the raindrops are drumming as a background noise. You are so involved in a book or a film. Your tea, coffee, or hot cocoa is delicious but you…

  • Baking/Cooking

    Apple Envelope

    As you know if you followed my blog for a while, I love cooking and baking. I also believe I am good at it. Not to brag or anything but it’s a way for me to channel my creativity. Today…

  • Baking/Cooking

    Bell peppers with pumpkin

    This is the easiest quickest recipe and it tastes amazing. A couple of years ago Mum and I found this recipe in a magazine at the supermarket. We did change it up a bit. So today I want to share…

  • Baking/Cooking

    Easy Chicken Curry

    Today I have a recipe that I got online from Jamie Oliver’s site. I have however made this recipe my own and changed some things in it. So I’m quite excited to share this recipe with you. This is one…