
  • Reviews

    Essie topless and barefoot

    Painting my nails is just not one of my strong suits but it does not take away from this review and the beautiful polish. At least I hope it won’t. What does Essie say about their product? Wow, you’re so……

  • Reviews

    Clinique Lash Power mascara in Dark Chocolate

    Brown mascara is the best mascara and I will stand on this rooftop shouting it some more. Brown mascara is the best mascara, not only for blondes or redheads. No, no, my Brunette friends. Our lashes pair lovely with brown…

  • Reviews

    Dr. Paw Paw lipbalms

    I have been influenced.. do you know Lynda Pearce the make-up artist from shows like Bridgerton? I love her content, I follow her online, and when she said she liked dr Pawpaw. I naturally wanted Dr. Paw Paw, and then…

  • Reviews

    Soap and Glory Fragrance Spritz

    Soap and Glory and I have a very one-sided love from my side… Today I want to talk about a fragrance spritz in the scent mist you madly. Soap and glory about their product Introducing FRAGRANCE SPRITZ™, our range of…