Zoeva Makeup Artist Zoe Bag Rose Golden Vol 1 (part 3)
It has been years since I got this brush set and I must admit I thought I bought it later. I never finished the series, today I found it time to finally finish the series and explain to you what I have thought about this brush set over the last few years. Not all brushes are even sold on the website anymore nor is this brush set. I wanted to talk generally about the brushes. First I want to show you these beautiful photos. I honestly think I did well with these, every brush has some specs about them, and then at the very bottom I have a general review of all the brushes.
Brush number: 235
Name: contour shader
Material: taklonhair
Single prize: 14,95

Name: Smokey Shader Brush
Material: Pure synthetic hair
Single prize: 14,50

Name: Wing Liner Brush
Material: pure synthetic hair
Single prize: 12.50

Name: Fine Liner brush
Material: –
Single prize: 12,95
Brush number: 322
Name: Brow Liner Brush
Material: 14,50
Single prize: Pure Synthetic Hair

Name: Detail Smoky Liner Brush
Material: Pure Synthetic hair
Single prize: 14,50
Brush number: 228
Name: Crease Definer Brush
Material: Pure Synthetic hair
Single prize: 14,50

Name: Creamer shader
Material: –
Single prize: 14,95
Brush number: 220
Name: Luxe Grand Shader
Material: –
Single prize: 14,95

Name: Detail Crease Definer Brush
Material: 14,50
Single prize: Pure Synthetic hair

Name: Detail Crease Brush
Material: Pure Synthetic hair
Single prize: 14,50
Brush number: 223
Name: Petit Eyeblender Brush
Material: Talkon hair
Single prize: –

Name: Eyeshadow Blender Brush
Material: Pure Synthetic hair
Single prize: 14,50

Name: Smudger Brush
Material: –
Single prize: 14,99
Brush number: 330
Name: Lip contour brush
Material: Pure synethic hair
Single prize: 12,00
My thoughts
Honestly, I am so glad that I bought this set back in the day. For the last few weeks, I have been thinking about the quality and that brushes I use often are losing a bit more hair or are just not as nice as they used to be. But knowing that I have used them every day for roughly 5 years. It surprises me. Even the softness is still very good, after years of washing. There is a difference between the ones I use daily and the ones I hardly ever use. I do think with brushes you either have to know exactly which brushes you use and will love or a brush set is a way to go. I didn’t know what I liked because in my brush set that I had before I used almost all brushes more out of necessity. Over the years I have found the brushes that I truly love and enjoy and honestly, this set has served me so well and it is still doing that to this day. For me, the Zoeva brush sets are a total recommendation. I think their quality is really good and they hold so well over time.
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