Saying goodbye to a friend
Friendship is important we all know this. Life would be really lonely without friends. However, if someone doesn’t make you happy as a friend you are allowed to let that friendship go. It is one of those things where people feel like you can’t break up with a friend but if the friendship doesn’t serve you anymore you can.
Now why would you want to break up with a friend you might ask? I believe that people come into your life for a reason. Some might teach you important lessons for example sticking up for yourself or learning that you have your own opinion. These are all valuable things to learn. Others might be in your life because you need them in that period of your life. In the period that you meet you just click. It just works. You become fast friends and have a great laugh together. You have fun and feel happy. But just because they made you grow doesn’t mean they still grow with you today. If you met someone in school and you don’t see each other every day now. Your dynamic might change. It doesn’t mean they aren’t as nice it just means that they don’t work in your life anymore.
Sometimes this goes on its own. Sometimes you just sort of drift apart and don’t talk for a long time which isn’t a bad thing. It is sometimes even a good thing. You both feel that it is the end of the friendship and in that way, we don’t have to say goodbye to someone and make it feel awkward. Sometimes it isn’t as easy. Sometimes you need to tell someone you don’t want to be their friend anymore now I find this hard as well but then I keep hanging out with them because I don’t want to say I don’t want to be friends anymore.
In a lot of ways, people try to stay friends with everyone forever but people come and go in your life. It’s natural, it isn’t a bad thing. I for one don’t have that many friends but I also don’t want to have a lot of friends. I used to have a whole group of friends but when I was growing up I decided I wanted more indebt relationships with people. When we stopped seeing each other every day, we stopped seeing each other full stop. I also heard that some friends were talking behind my back. I do not understand that you don’t have to be my friend. I would much rather not have a friend than a friend like that. Friendships fade over time maybe you changed or they did. If you don’t have that friendship connection anymore. It isn’t a bad thing to take a step back and just go your separate ways.
Lots of love,