
Apple Cider Vinegar (2025)

With a heavy heart, I am reviewing this show today. Not because I want to urge you to watch it. In a way, this is to caution you when watching this series. When someone is sick they are bombarded by all types of quack medications, potions, pills etc to ‘cure’ or ‘help’ them. This isn’t simply a problem of people often misguided who are trying to give advice it’s also about algorithms praying on the most vulnerable on their platforms.

So I want to start by saying that it’s not your fault. It never has been, there is nothing you can do that would have dramatically changed these circumstances and even if you could have it doesn’t change the now. But what you can do is listen to your doctors, they aren’t evil they don’t have the cure somewhere in a cupboard hiding it from us for some sort of game. They do know in more ways that we do what is best. I want you to give yourself grace, to give yourself kindness because it’s hard enough already. And if you want to see this show and when you are ready. Know that none of what any of these gurus say is true.

The series in short
The life of wellness guru Belle Gibson, who had a large social media following, where she pretended to be suffering from cancer but keeping the disease under control using self-care therapies. She confessed that none of it was true.
I got this information here.

The trailer

If the trailer does not work, click here.

My thoughts
The show contains six episodes and I watched it in one afternoon. It was really hard, I was aware of Belle’s story I have been for a long time. She was one of the first stories that I heard of where someone faked having cancer. The thing for me, this isn’t about that. This series is about people praying that very sick individuals will sell their books, apps, or events. I don’t like Belle, I think some serious things are going on in her life for her to end up making all of this up.  I also think it’s very sad because she did have a great idea, it might not have blown up if she hadn’t lied about cancer but I do think her ideas were very interesting.

My problem throughout the show had to do with Milla, and that might be because I already knew Belle’s story and was thus less surprised I suppose by her conduct. Milla is based on someone real and I have read up on her story. I felt very sad for the character but also extremely frustrated. A case could be made that Belle truly did believe she was sick and truly did not know she wasn’t curing herself. I think there is a bit of both there, she knew she didn’t have all that she said online but I don’t think she thought she was completely fine (and she was mentally struggling otherwise you would not lie like this).

But Milla knew it was not working. I understand that she was scared, I get that she felt she had to see it through. But really having cancer, and then dying does not absolve her from the impact she clearly had on hundreds of people. The people that made this series wanted to show two sides I suppose the thing is they are both just as bad as the other. Yes sure faking having a deadly disease is awful but faking being better isn’t much better.

At the end of the day, this show is about people taking advantage of other vulnerable people even if they themselves are part of the vulnerable group. It was a very painful watch but it does underline why one should listen to their doctor. Eating healthy and living well isn’t bad and it’s not wrong and it can be used if you so choose but always only in conjunction with conventional treatment prescribed by doctors who actually do know best. Not to say one cannot ask questions or cannot try to do another method of course you can have a dialogue with your doctor. But at the end of the day, you are in it together to make sure you get better. And that is a worthy goal, only with treatment and measurements can we know it is working.

I am sorry this was a bit of a jumbled mess but overall it was fine, but be prepared when you watch it and if it’s too difficult please do skip it. It’s not worth your peace.

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