Even More Documentaries I recommend
Today I want to share some more Documentaries I have watched and I enjoyed. If you are looking for a Documentary to watch I recommend these:
Diana & Dodi’s Crash: What Really Happened On The Night They Died? | Diana: The Inquest | Timeline
Watch it on YouTube here.
Diana: The New Evidence | Investigation
Watch it on YouTube here.
The Staircase (2004-2018)
The high-profile murder trial of American novelist Michael Peterson following the death of his wife in 2001.
D.B. Cooper, where are you? (2020)
It follows the 50-year quest to find Cooper, the man who hijacked a Northwest Airlines passenger jet in November 1971 and escaped with $200,000.
The Billionaire, the Butler & The Boyfriend (2023)
How did a feud between the world’s richest woman and her daughter develop into a major scandal? This documentary series takes an in-depth look at the whole story.
Keep Sweet, Pray, and Obey (2022)
Examines the rise of Warren Jeffs in the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and his shocking criminal case.
I’ve seen this when it first came out but I thought it was very interesting which is why I wanted to mention it.
The Sons of Sam: A Descent into Darkness: Limited series (2021)
The Son of Sam case grew into a lifelong obsession for journalist Maury Terry, who became convinced that the murders were linked to a satanic cult.
The Blackfish (2013)
A documentary following the controversial captivity of killer whales, and its dangers for both humans and whales.
West of Memphis (2012)
An examination of a failure of justice in the case against the West Memphis Three.
State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith (2022)
Tells the harrowing story of a woman trying to use Alabama’s Stand Your Ground law after killing a man she says brutally attacked her.
Victim/Suspect (2023)
Young women tell the police they’ve been sexually assaulted, but instead of finding justice, they’re charged with the crime of making a false report, arrested, and even imprisoned by the system they believed would protect them.
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