
You’ve reached Sam – Dustin Thao

I was unsure when I saw this book but I decided to give it a go with the hope that I would really enjoy it.

The book in short
Seventeen-year-old Julie has her future all planned out—move out of her small town with her boyfriend Sam, attend college in the city, and spend a summer in Japan. But then Sam dies. And everything changes.

Heartbroken, Julie skips his funeral, throws out his things, and tries everything to forget him and the tragic way he died. But a message Sam left behind in her yearbook forces back memories. Desperate to hear his voice one more time, Julie calls Sam’s cell phone just to listen to his voicemail.

And Sam picks up the phone.

In a miraculous turn of events, Julie’s been given a second chance at goodbye. The connection is temporary. But hearing Sam’s voice makes her fall for him all over again, and with each call it becomes harder to let him go. However, keeping her otherworldly calls with Sam a secret isn’t easy, especially when Julie witnesses the suffering Sam’s family is going through. Unable to stand by the sidelines and watch their shared loved ones in pain, Julie is torn between spilling the truth about her calls with Sam and risking their connection and losing him forever.

Read more here

My thoughts
I thought the premise of this story was so interesting. I enjoyed the prologue and then it’s a bit of a downer if I am honest.It is hard to digest such immense grief. Julie is digressing in her grieve and although understnading it gets frustrating at points. However, the last three chapters are so wonderfully written

The book is a beautiful representation of what grieve does to you and how it changes you and how it leaves a mark. It was a very lovely book to read and the emotional impact was mostly felt at the very end.

If you are currently struggeling with grieve I do urge you to read this book at a later date as it an be very upsetting to read.

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