How about this?
In my New Years post I told you about scaling back the amount I was posting I said:
“Having decided this I will also go back to posting once a week instead of twice as that still makes it fun for me. It also takes away the intense pressure I put on myself. I have all these interesting and cool ideas for next year that are partly in the works already.”
I have since then worked incredibly hard on the blog and gone back and forth if I wanted to make this change but most if not all posts are done already and I felt it was time. I am re-introducing the Wednesday upload. I had so many posts in my backlog as I had found my spark for writing and I wanted to share it with all of you.
From today forward to the end of the year, I will upload twice a week. So the last leg of the year I will give you even more content then I have. I have also been debating on sprinkling in some things if I want to share other things. I am nowhere near that and I won’t do it now but I might later on in the year. If I do decide to upload more I would be doing that on Friday.
Thank you for being on this wonderful journey with me and on to even more great posts the rest of the year.
Read more: Reviews // Beauty// Personal // Studying // Videos// Books // Films
Socials: Instagram // Tiktok // Pinterest // Goodreads //Bookstagram

Balea 5 in 1 leave in wonder
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