Thirteen reasons Why Season 2 (2018)
When first watched thirteen reasons why I watched it right away, back in the day when the show showed suicide in a gruesome manner. They have since changed this, I must admit that the suicide this time around didn’t give as much of a gut punch. I do not know if the lack of that scene made it that way or not. In actuality it does not matter, it was removed to prevent people from getting ideas about committing suicide. In a way, I feel that if that is the primary objection, the whole show should be banned but okay. In addition, I think the torture of a boy that did nothing wrong isn’t fun nor needed. After I watched season 1, other seasons came out, and honestly, I didn’t care to watch them. Until now.
What is the series about?
The second season of the Netflix series continued to explore those topics by following Liberty High students as they deal with the aftermath of Hannah’s death — as well as their own traumas — and try to move on with their lives
The trailer
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What did I think?
When watching the first season you cannot help but wonder about the real story, the story within the lines. No doubt the truth of season one is Hannah’s truth but it’s different from what really happened. In this season we get a fuller view of all the characters. We finally get to see what the truth was. The thing is the first season made Hannah seem like an angel and she was without a doubt a lovely girl but there are no angels in these stories. It’s hard I think, even at the end to look at what you did wrong. But the way Hannah spoke about these people was wrong. I understand they hurt her, some in an awful manner. But imagine getting told on a tape that you have been raped by a friend and your boyfriend knows but is keeping it from you. With the knowledge that you do not remember but everyone before you has heard the tapes, they all know it’s you. How awful and all because she dated the other friend in the trio. It’s too much. In this season I think Jessica was the true hero of this story. I think this season focused a lot on sexual assault and in the end, I felt so proud of her for standing up for what was right
I also felt so sorry for Justin I cannot imagine living on the street, being left to take care of yourself since you were very young. To fall into a drug habit that your mother has. I think he is a very troubled soul and I admire him for doing what is right even though it lands him in juvie. I think that Clay grew a lot in this season, in the end, he is ready to say goodbye to Hannah and so are we. He talks Tyler off a ledge and does what he had wanted to do for Hannah, he is there for him. And truly this is where the story should have left us. We have all grown as people, we said goodbye to Hannah and we are moving on… But we cannot move on because there is another season.
Honestly, I started episode one of season 3 and I do admit the story becomes more obscene and strange from there, and honestly, I am not interested. I looked up a recap about seasons 3 and 4 and decided not to watch them. I think there are probably some strong moments in there but it’s not something I want to watch. I think this is where I will leave the story and I think that’s for the best. I truly do not see a reason to watch a redemption arc of a rapist. No matter how sorry he is (which is not a lot so I have heard). Rape is never okay and even if that is not what the movie markers attempted that is what they made. I think it is absolutely vile to even attempt to make a redemption arc for this guy. Thus instead of the movie makers deleting scenes (as they did in season 1), I am removing the season from my watch list. I am putting my actions behind my words and will not be watching seasons 3 and 4.
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