Study with me #4
Processing this video was so hard. I had constant problems with my editing software, but I fixed it. I usually call on my dad to fix all my IT problems, but this time, he couldn’t help me promptly, and thus, I was left to my own devices. It was great, though, as I felt very proud to fix it myself. All by myself, honestly, that makes me feel very proud.
The video
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A bit about the video
This week I did a whole lot of studying. There was a lot of research and lectures. Next season, I think it would be fun to take you with me a bit more. However, talking in-depth about my classes isn’t something I am willing to do due to privacy.
I also went and visited my granddad, and we went on a lovely long walk. I think it’s nice to go on a walk and have a long chat with family. Then I did more studying. I was taking an extra class, so I had a full schedule, and you can really see it in the amount of work. But I loved the extra class. It was one of the best classes I took, so I am happy I did it anyway.
Then I recorded another week and added them together as I didn’t have much stuff to film for that week. I visited my brother, worked at his house, and brought him a plant. There are also many days I do not do anything but those days I usually don’t film.
Lots of love, Melissa

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