Winter favourites
Ah my dear reader, remember favourites? I haven’t done them in years. But today I felt the urge to share some of my recent favourites. Just for fun, so I will be talking about some of my favourites of the last month.
You have no idea how long I was searching for dinner candles. You would think they would have it in the Supermarket, but no. I also went online for a big search. Turns out they didn’t have it there either, I looked at every local and bigger shop but they had none for a fair price. I will not be paying 2 euros for a candle that only lasts a single day. Then I had a lightbulb moment, or Google had because I was searching. I found them on Amazon. They even have different colours, which I didn’t want so I got plain white once. I love the shape of them as they are a bit wider at the bottom. It looks very pretty in a candle holder. They don’t drip except if a window is open (which you shouldn’t have as it’s dangerous. The flame could potentially start a fire) or when you have it on for a long time and it gets too hot. But honestly, this isn’t a big issue to me. I think it’s great value for money and I enjoy using them. They say that they burn for roughly 7 hours, I think this is right. It doesn’t go too fast, I also like how they look without having them on which is a big plus for me.
They also don’t have a smell, which is good if one of your housemates/family members can’t stand smells. Click here to get these candles, they retail for 17,62 and come in a pack of 50 thus being roughly 35 cents a piece.
Speaking of candles, I had seen these lighters all over the internet and I thought it was such an interesting concept to have a light you can charge so obviously I had to get one. Now I do think it feels a bit scary to use at first but once you get the hang of it it’s pretty cool.
I like the fact that you charge it as it’s much better for the environment in the long run as most lighters are made out of plastic. I enjoy using this lighter, click here to get one for yourself for 9.99.
Another thing I love is a blanket. Okay, truth be told it isn’t mine (this is why I don’t have a good photo). It’s my brother’s but I have been using it. It is such a long and warm blanket that you can be under it with another person. It covers his whole sofa and as his house usually is very cold this is a staple when I come over to watch movies. It’s 29 euros, a bit of a steep price but worth every penny. You can get this blanket here.
I can’t help myself alright, I went back to my trusted shampoo and conditioner in the Rosemary mint scent. I love the way this product makes my hair feel and look. It’s the absolute best shampoo and conditioner I have tried to this day. Petal Fresh Shampoo Rosemary & Mint, 475 ml and Petal Fresh Conditioner Rozemary & Mint, 475 Ml
My final favourite is this blush by Stila. Since I got it I have used it every day. It’s my absolute favourite. These are the things I have been enjoying this winter!
If you want to read more beauty or beauty reviews click on the links.
Lots of love, Melissa

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