Relic (2020)
If you loved this film or are very excited to watch it, you might want to skip this review as this film was so far from being my favourite.
The film in short
A daughter, mother, and grandmother are haunted by a manifestation of dementia that consumes their family’s home. I found this information here.
The trailer
If the video doesn’t work, click here.
My thoughts
I believe that if you have to look up what the plot of the movie means two things could have happened. It went right over your head or it wasn’t really good.
Now I will take the chances of it being the former but I simply didn’t enjoy it. The first hour nothing happens. The story kept flopping between it being Alzheimer’s disease or an evil entity. I would have enjoyed both of these stories separately. Or maybe even an evil entity that is taking over the mother but it looks like it’s Alzheimer’s to everyone else. Now that might be a story. But it wasn’t this story.
In the last 5 minutes, the mum has a complete character change which is weird and didn’t make sense. You might enjoy this story but for me, it took too long and the ending was just weird. It wasn’t scary apart from the ending but that had more to do with the fact that skin peeling is gross in my opinion. Also, Alzheimer’s disease isn’t as genetic as the movie made it out to be. There is a genetic component of course but not the way the movie made it out to be. This just makes people fearful which is dangerous for people’s mental health. Also the part of the ‘extra house’ was frustrating as it wasn’t explained and it didn’t make sense.
I wouldn’t recommend this movie to other people as I have seen films I enjoyed more. If you did enjoy this film, let me know. You might change my mind.
Lots of love, Melissa

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