Finish the year great
Step 1: read this blog post
Which is the best way to start
Step 2: Blast your favourite Christmas playlist.
Or watch your favourite Christmas film. Blasting all I want for Christmas is you in my room singing alone pretending I actually can sing. It gets you right in the holiday mindset.
Step 3: Clean your space
Personally, I find that cleaning and organising my room (living space) that it makes my mind ready for the new year. Fresh home, fresh mind.
Step 4: Define your goals
I love planning and I think this is great time to set up some goals for yourself. I still do not belief in a new year new me but this is a great time to reflect and to look at your new goals and how to achieve them.
Step 5: Be merry and bright
Do something you love. Bake a cake, eat that cookie. Do things you love to do. Spread happiness, spread your positivity throughout your house. Take the time to be thankful for the people around you, or your experience.
Step 6: Don’t worry if you don’t love it
I love Christmas, I love being able to have a wonderful time with my family. To laugh and celebrate life. But if you don’t love it that’s alright too. It’s one day out of the year and you can always accidentally arrive late or have something else to do so you have an end time.
Step 7: Recap and review
Recap your year, what happened? Give it a review: what did you learn? What would you want to change? What would you want to do again? What wouldn’t you want to happen again and why. What made you happy and what didn’t? How can you be happier and better next year.
Step 8: Relax
Relax so that you have the energy to start your year great.
Merry (early) Christmas
Lots of love, Melissa

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