The Happiness Planner
I love, really love planners and agendas. I have been looking at new planners for a long time. A couple of years ago I had an amazing agenda which I loved very much. So, I was looking online for a planner that would tick all my boxes.
This being said, the weekly overview is the only thing this planner doesn’t have. The thing is that I am going to get a different planner with a weekly overview to take to school and scribble my homework in to plan it out neatly when I am at home. This works wonderfully for me. Dotting things done neatly makes me more relaxed. Besides that, the planner that I chose is quite heavy and would also get very ugly if I were taking it everywhere because of the fact that it is indeed white.
I ordered the happiness planner and it came quickly, a day or two. I got an amazing 10% discount and I paid 12 dollars for shipping. The planner was 53,10 dollars and paid 65,10 US dollars in total.
The planner starts with a few questions about what makes me happy, what doesn’t, what I overcame in my life, what I learned etc. which was very nice and interesting to fill in. Then the year starts and it starts with a monthly overview which I really like to fill in and have a bit of an overview with all the things I have to do and want to do as well.
Every month starts with a plan and then you have every day which is where you talk about what you are excited about, what you ate, and which exercises you have done. Your schedule, to-do notes, good things about the day, what you are grateful for, and what you hope for tomorrow. The latter is the thing I always like to fill in at the end of the day. Every month ends with a reflection on the month. Which I think is very good to look at positive things in life.
The planner is grey and pink, which I really like. The planner has a rose gold spiral as well as the corners. I am really excited about using this planner when school starts.
Lots of love,

MAC Eyeshadow Wedge

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