Happy New Year
Remember last year, when I was so sad when the year was ending? I was so upset that 2015 was over because I had loved it. Every single bit of it, I was on such a high. I felt amazing about myself, I felt so at ease with who I was, my dreams were within reach and it was all good.
2016 started of well. It wasn’t the best but I had fun and then a lot of unhappy things happened and they ended this month. Most people in my situation would say they had a terrible year and that it was the worst. I won’t go so far in saying that because it wasn’t. Yes, my family and I had more downs than ups but there were still ups and I think as a person you need to focus on those things.
If I look back at this year I remember a lot of laughing, even though it was in the hospital. A lot of shopping and maybe it wasn’t in the size I was used too but my parents did everything in their power to make me feel beautiful and I am very grateful for that.
I graduated college and I am now a teacher’s assistant at nineteen that is something. I started my bachelor’s at the university I wanted to go to. So that is two goals I reached.
I am getting back on eating healthy and exercising again. Because for a long time, I simply wasn’t able to. I notice that my brain is trying its hardest to work on the things that are now a bit harder for me. And so are my lungs, and so is my hair which is growing so well. I have the feeling that my muscles have their strength back.
Even though some terrible things happened to me, it made me a different person, and in a lot of ways it made me a better more compassionate person and a better psychologist for the future. At the end of the day, it was an experience. An experience I would have happily not had but I did have the experience and I did learn things from it.
And you know what? It was a long and at the same time a very short 52 weeks. Let it be our goal, for all of us. To make the next 52 weeks a whole lot better. I want to wish you a very happy and very blessed 2017. Let’s make this one the best one yet.
Lots of love,