A healthy social media presence
I have been thinking a lot about life and social media. I have noticed that I have been quite a bit consumed with social media and I don’t like it one bit. I don’t like it because I feel that if you are always on social media you forget to enjoy your real life. You forget who you are, what you love, and what you are doing. Right in that moment of your life, while you are busy with taking the best pictures the rest of the world is happening all around you. Just that thought alone made me think about the actions I needed to take. So here are a few things you can do to have a happier social media life.
Delete old accounts
I can think for hours about old accounts so I finally decided to delete some accounts and deactivate others. They are still there but not really. This is important because you grow as a person you don’t want old pictures to be floating around somewhere for people to easily find.
Okay, this might sound harsh. But I have been unfollowing people from Instagram and Snapchat. Sometimes I get into the habit of unfollowing people, for example after graduating. It’s nice to not see people you aren’t friends with on your feed all the time. I firmly believe it is better for your mental health. To not see that one ex all the time or his new partner, or that one girl you used to be friends with.
Clean up
So this might sound a bit weird but clean up your watch and search history. Because on the explore page on Instagram and the homepage of YouTube, you might not be inspired. It has a lot to do with search history and what you have liked in the past.
Follow back
At the end of the day if you miss someone or something for example your favourite band. You can always follow them again, no harm done.
A happier feed is a happier mind. So do what you need to do to make yourself happy because, at the end of the day, that’s most important.
Lots of love,

Happy New Year
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Happy New Year