Decluttering and fresh starts
This might be a silly question but I am wondering about it. Does anyone else love to declutter especially over summer break? I love, love clearing out things after two school terms. I have been good at it this summer and I think I know why. When I was living abroad I didn’t have that many items. Alright, I still went with two suitcases and left with uhm.. more than that but still, I didn’t have a huge collection of make-up or clothes or other such things, and guess what it didn’t bother me at all.
I didn’t need all that stuff. So what I have been doing is decluttering items I never use, or items that don’t fit right, are broken, etc. (I throw them out because it isn’t hygienic to share used make-up. I do however give products that are useable to my mum or friends). If you organise your room, you are ready to start the new school year, fresh. It’s like a fresh start. It’s also good to know what you own. because sometimes you simply forget. I also love to change up my room decor and to change up what you put where in your room. it makes me calm. I don’t know it’s strange.
I also admire minimalism. I mean how cool is it to own a very few items and be happy? Now I kind of tried to do it a little but I am much happier with some choice. The thing is those things do make me happy. And then it’s worth keeping in my opinion. I might someday become a minimalist (most likely not) but for now I do love the things around me and little items that decorate my room such as candles and books look cute.
Anyway, my back-to-school tip for the season; a clean room means a clean mind and for everyone moving out and going on their own. You honestly can live with less, if you don’t have it you’ll make do.
Lots of love,