School Morning Routine
There are two types of mornings. The mornings when you want to get going and spend time doing your hair and perfecting your eyeliner and those days that you would prefer to stay in bed. But staying in bed longer does not immediately mean you cannot look your best. So how do you stay in bed as long as possible but still look your best at school? (or work). Here are a few things you can do!
Plan your time
You know very well how much time you need. You don’t need to wake up an hour before you need to leave because you need to brush your hair. Know what you want to do and think about how much time it is going to take. You can even time it sometimes on the weekend or over the summer. If you have a consistent routine you will also be faster over time.
Ready, set, sleep.
Alright so try to get into the habit of making sure you don’t have much to do in the morning. Make the sandwich you want to take to school already and put it in the fridge. Pack your bag and set it somewhere where you can easily grab it. It’s all these little tasks that you can easily do the day before that will let you hit that snooze button one more time.
Think about what you want to wear the day before, Lay it all out on a chair or a desk. Do it how you are going to get dressed. So put your jeans on the chair first shirt on top of that, cami on top of that, and then underwear. If you have more pairs of shoes set your shoes next to your clothes as well otherwise, you will spend unnecessary time picking out a pair.
My make-up collection isn’t big but I have more than you can put on your face at once so I need to pick out my make-up as well which is hard sometimes. Am I in an eyeliner mood or an eyeshadow mood? I set it on my vanity. I also put my perfume, deodorant, and face cream on the vanity as well. Just to make sure I won’t forget it and it is so much quicker than going to my drawers to find that one perfume I need. It’s all in the preparation.
The same goes for my hair, I make sure that everything I need is within the reach of my hand. It makes it easy to not have to think about and makes you much faster.
To snooze or not to snooze?
I love to snooze; I plan time in to snooze. Yes, I love it that much. It is better when you don’t snooze but I can’t help it. So if you like to snooze set your alarm a little earlier. Because if you are going to snooze anyway might as well snooze a bit earlier.
It only takes a second…
When I am done with my stuff I always put it back in my drawers so that when I come home it’s all put away and neat. A neat room is a clear head. The only thing left is my unplugged hot tool because it is better if it cools down first. When you get home, you will thank yourself because it will give you more time to relax before you need to start homework.
Always, ALWAYS eat breakfast. If you can’t eat in the morning just take it with you but don’t skip breakfast. It is really important, especially if you are still growing It gives you energy and kick-starts your wonderful day. If you have a hard time eating breakfast schedule it in and do it first thing. You are more likely to finish it then. If you can’t eat bread which I understand because I can’t in the morning, choose yogurt or cereal.
Good luck
And then before you know it it’s time to go…
Now you can start your day, good luck. Give the world your biggest smile.
What do you do in the morning?
Lots of love,
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