Choosing Happiness
Today’s topic we’ll discuss is why life isn’t always easy, and why it isn’t always fair. You see in life you can’t always do whatever you want you need to make sure you do things that make you a good person and bring you further in life you need to do things that you don’t want to do what you need to do and sometimes that is because you know it’s the right thing to do and sometimes it is just because you need something you need the contact hours or you need to money or you need to make sure you get that piece of paper at the end of the road.
Life isn’t fair, it’s annoying but I think you need to make some time for it yourself. You need to make yourself happy. I always try to live life happily and to do things that make me happy but sometimes you can’t choose happiness. Sometimes you need to choose mind over matter and head over heart even though that’s difficult it’s part of growing up sometimes you can’t do what you want you need to do what’s best for you, your family, and your partner.
But if something makes you very unhappy and you can change it, why shouldn’t you?
– I am not saying break up with your partner because they weren’t nice today. I am saying talk about it.
– I am not saying quit your job, I am saying try to find something else.
– I am not saying quit school, find another option.
If your life isn’t filled with happiness that’s fine but there are things we can do. Go out let your hair down and find things you are passionate about. Hang out with friends, family, and other loved ones. Or not hang out with yourself, a stranger, an old lover whatever makes you happy. Two days ago I saw an inspiring documentary about this Japanese teacher who teaches children to feel happy, and thankful but also take responsibility for their actions. You can watch it here.
I highly recommend watching it. It inspired these thoughts today. Last but not least, let yourself feel sad as well. Let yourself feel emotionally drained. It is not bad to not feel happy for a moment but there is always something to be joyful about it only has to be found.
Lots of love,
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