Happy New Year
2016, you are here much sooner than I thought you would be. 2015, you went by too fast. I would love to give you a story about all the things that are going to change and how this is going to be MY year. How everything will be going to go amazing. How I am going to change and be a better person… but I can’t because I won’t. I can’t write anything like that because it’s rubbish. I always think that if you wanted to change, you could do that anytime. On the first day of the new year, you wake up and nothing changed. It’s the same with your birthday, isn’t it? 12 feels the same as 13. 16 is the same as 15 and when you turn 18 nothing is different; you are the same as 17-year-old you.
I am not going to change mainly because I don’t think I want to. I have my flaws, of course, we all do. Most of the time I like who I am and I see no reason to change that. So here are the things I will still be doing this year because; Old habits die hard.
In 2016 I will still..
- Light all my candles at once
- Get lost in a book and get worked up if the main characters don’t end up together.
- Cry at the movies and wipe the tears away before the lights are on.
- Laugh till my tummy hurts
- Drink too much diet coke
- Ask stupid questions
- Worry about losing something that is clearly in my bag
- Forget to clean my brushes regularly
- Lose my glasses to find them left somewhere to keep them save
- Lose earrings
- Try to read a classic novel and fail
- Write down my favourite quotes everywhere.
- Smile while walking in the rain
- Close my eyes at the sun
- Hug the people I love
- Try smoothie recipes that aren’t that tasty
- Forget about my avocado until it’s overripe
- Google Words I don’t know how to spell
- Get lost in thought while looking at twinkly fairy lights.
- Forget to take my phone places.
- Set big goals
- Prove people wrong
- Travel (hopefully) and plan future travels
- Lose myself in music, dancing, or writing
- Smile.
- Blog
What I meant with all of this is that it’s your choice to make yourself happy because no one is going to do it for you. The world and the people around you are not going to make this year ‘yours’. If you want to make it count you need to do that yourself.
I had a big laugh writing this I hope you enjoyed it too. HAPPY 2016 and tell me what are you still going to do this year?
Lots of love,

Listening and voicing your opinions

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