Parties, Hills and Happiness
Maybe it is me, maybe it is the lemonade, maybe it is the hot bath I just had or maybe it is this place. I can’t tell you what exactly it is but I have never been happier and I have never felt more like myself than I do right now. It might be the fact that for once in my life I am not surrounded by my peers. Which sounds a bit mean but I do not mean it that way. It’s easier to cut back and realize who I am and what I like without others’ opinions also floating around in the background. It’s not something anyone puts on you on purpose but it still influences you.
It took me a while the beginning was difficult I am not going to lie, it was. It is upsetting being away from home it is difficult to settle but once I did. It has been so great. Work doesn’t feel like working at all. It might be the fact that I don’t have to work a weekend job or that I don’t have to think too much about things I should do instead of what I want to do. I am so grateful that I can do this and that I have the full support of my family. I do get waves of missing people. Missing my parents on the weekends, my brother when I am watching a movie, and my friends when I want to hang out and maybe even more importantly eat out. I noticed that I miss strange things from home. From missing paprika-flavored crisps to hugging friends and family. It’s great being here though and I wouldn’t want to change it for the world.
My work is amazing I learn new things every single day and no I am not just saying that. I have changed my views a bit on uniforms, authority, and teaching. I love working with children. Children are amazing. They are great all over the world but the children I work with now are so well-behaved. It is something to get used to because the teachers do get stern with the children when they are misbehaving for example not doing homework and not taking the chances they had to do it. But again good behaviour doesn’t happen by chance. It’s such a different mindset than we have in the Netherlands and it’s interesting to see.
My work is amazing I learn new things every single day and no I am not just saying that. I have changed my views a bit on uniforms, authority, and teaching. I love working with children. Children are amazing. They are great all over the world but the children I work with now are so well-behaved. It is something to get used to because the teachers do get stern with the children when they are misbehaving for example not doing homework and not taking the chances they had to do it. But again good behaviour doesn’t happen by chance. It’s such a different mindset than we have in the Netherlands and it’s interesting to see.
Working in an English school brings a few rules to the fashion table. I don’t mind it. It is good to awaken the fashionista in me. Throughout the week I wear mascara and dresses and on the weekends I wear eyeliner and ripped jeans. I have seen the craziest hairstyles and the weirdest heels but I love it, It’s a city full of inspiration. It makes me excited to try things out myself and I have been developing my style a lot more.
The City
New Castle is amazing it isn’t only fun it is also breathtaking. I don’t like hills much (because it takes much longer to get somewhere) and everything is a hill to me but it makes the view gorgeous. I enjoy it every single time I go out. And then the bridges. Oh my goodness the bridges are incredible. This city is horrible for my wallet but I adore it. If you ever visit New Castle go to the metro centre, the town centre, and just generally walk around. You can be in the middle of the centre and the countryside away from everything and everyone in under 20 min. But the best of the city… I love old buildings and history. It’s a joy walking around and having a look.
The Nightlife
New Castle is one of the most wonderful places to go out. You can drink absolutely everything from fancy cocktails to cheap shots. You can sit on the sofa in a lot of bars. It’s not that busy because there are so many places to go. Honestly walking around at two am is amazing because you see all these people going places or going home and all these food places completely lit up and open. I can’t explain how much I enjoyed it if one place wasn’t fun we went to another place simple as that. I went with a group of people who know the area very well so it was fun. I normally get bored when I am going out the place gets boring it’s great to have the freedom to go wherever you want and just find a new place to go to and have a lot of options. When I normally go out the options are more limited. For the first time in a long time, I have liked going out. Also, most people go by taxi and they are not that expensive which is a whole new experience in itself. I’m used to cycling or taking the bus so it’s a bit different for me. But new experiences are incredible.
All those other things
– Cycling in this country is terrifying at some points but feels so rewarding especially with the hills because when you are done you think: “yes I did it!”
– I like watching people and you can do that so much here I have seen so many interesting people.
– Pubs are everywhere and that is so cool, you could just sit down to have a drink every couple of meters.
– My host mum made me do gel nails and I am in love.
– Tesco is my favourite supermarket ever
– I never knew how important a Poundland could be
– Baths are incredible
– This experience taught me that I love to travel and that if I want I could just go alone.
– I like candy that I do not know, a lot
– I am so blessed for this incredible journey.
Lots of love, Melissa